Source code for kashgari.corpus

# encoding: utf-8

# author: BrikerMan
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# file:
# time: 12:38 下午

import os
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tensorflow.keras.utils import get_file

from kashgari import macros as K
from kashgari import utils
from kashgari.logger import logger
from kashgari.tokenizers.base_tokenizer import Tokenizer
from kashgari.tokenizers.bert_tokenizer import BertTokenizer

CORPUS_PATH = os.path.join(K.DATA_PATH, 'corpus')

class DataReader:

    def read_conll_format_file(file_path: str,
                               text_index: int = 0,
                               label_index: int = 1) -> Tuple[List[List[str]], List[List[str]]]:
        Read conll format data_file
            file_path: path of target file
            text_index: index of text data, default 0
            label_index: index of label data, default 1


        x_data, y_data = [], []
        with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            lines =
            x: List[str] = []
            y: List[str] = []
            for line in lines:
                rows = line.split(' ')
                if len(rows) == 1:
                    x = []
                    y = []
        return x_data, y_data

[docs]class ChineseDailyNerCorpus: """ Chinese Daily New New Corpus Example: >>> from kashgari.corpus import ChineseDailyNerCorpus >>> train_x, train_y = ChineseDailyNerCorpus.load_data('train') >>> test_x, test_y = ChineseDailyNerCorpus.load_data('test') >>> valid_x, valid_y = ChineseDailyNerCorpus.load_data('valid') >>> print(train_x) [['海', '钓', '比', '赛', '地', '点', '在', '厦', '门', ...], ...] >>> print(train_y) [['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'B-LOC', 'I-LOC', ...], ...] """ __corpus_name__ = 'china-people-daily-ner-corpus' __zip_file__name = ''
[docs] @classmethod def load_data(cls, subset_name: str = 'train', shuffle: bool = True) -> Tuple[List[List[str]], List[List[str]]]: """ Load dataset as sequence labeling format, char level tokenized Args: subset_name: {train, test, valid} shuffle: should shuffle or not, default True. Returns: dataset_features and dataset labels """ corpus_path = get_file(cls.__corpus_name__, cls.__zip_file__name, cache_dir=K.DATA_PATH, untar=True) if subset_name == 'train': file_path = os.path.join(corpus_path, 'example.train') elif subset_name == 'test': file_path = os.path.join(corpus_path, 'example.test') else: file_path = os.path.join(corpus_path, '') x_data, y_data = DataReader.read_conll_format_file(file_path) if shuffle: x_data, y_data = utils.unison_shuffled_copies(x_data, y_data) logger.debug(f"loaded {len(x_data)} samples from {file_path}. Sample:\n" f"x[0]: {x_data[0]}\n" f"y[0]: {y_data[0]}") return x_data, y_data
[docs]class SMP2018ECDTCorpus: """ This dataset is released by the Evaluation of Chinese Human-Computer Dialogue Technology (SMP2018-ECDT) task 1 and is provided by the iFLYTEK Corporation, which is a Chinese human-computer dialogue dataset. Sample:: label query 0 weather 今天东莞天气如何 1 map 从观音桥到重庆市图书馆怎么走 2 cookbook 鸭蛋怎么腌? 3 health 怎么治疗牛皮癣 4 chat 唠什么 Example: >>> from kashgari.corpus import SMP2018ECDTCorpus >>> train_x, train_y = SMP2018ECDTCorpus.load_data('train') >>> test_x, test_y = SMP2018ECDTCorpus.load_data('test') >>> valid_x, valid_y = SMP2018ECDTCorpus.load_data('valid') >>> print(train_x) [['听', '新', '闻', '。'], ['电', '视', '台', '在', '播', '什', '么'], ...] >>> print(train_y) ['news', 'epg', ...] """ __corpus_name__ = 'SMP2018ECDTCorpus' __zip_file__name = ''
[docs] @classmethod def load_data(cls, subset_name: str = 'train', shuffle: bool = True, cutter: str = 'char') -> Tuple[List[List[str]], List[str]]: """ Load dataset as sequence classification format, char level tokenized Args: subset_name: {train, test, valid} shuffle: should shuffle or not, default True. cutter: sentence cutter, {char, jieba} Returns: dataset_features and dataset labels """ corpus_path = get_file(cls.__corpus_name__, cls.__zip_file__name, cache_dir=K.DATA_PATH, untar=True) if cutter not in ['char', 'jieba', 'none']: raise ValueError('cutter error, please use one onf the {char, jieba}') df_path = os.path.join(corpus_path, f'{subset_name}.csv') df = pd.read_csv(df_path) if cutter == 'jieba': try: import jieba except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "please install jieba, `$ pip install jieba`") x_data = [list(jieba.cut(item)) for item in df['query'].to_list()] elif cutter == 'char': x_data = [list(item) for item in df['query'].to_list()] y_data = df['label'].to_list() if shuffle: x_data, y_data = utils.unison_shuffled_copies(x_data, y_data) logger.debug(f"loaded {len(x_data)} samples from {df_path}. Sample:\n" f"x[0]: {x_data[0]}\n" f"y[0]: {y_data[0]}") return x_data, y_data
[docs]class JigsawToxicCommentCorpus: """ Kaggle Toxic Comment Classification Challenge corpus You need to download corpus from to a folder. Then init a JigsawToxicCommentCorpus object with `train.csv` path. Examples: >>> from kashgari.corpus import JigsawToxicCommentCorpus >>> corpus = JigsawToxicCommentCorpus('<train.csv file-path>') >>> train_x, train_y = corpus.load_data('train') >>> test_x, test_y = corpus.load_data('test') >>> print(train_x) [['Please', 'stop', 'being', 'a', 'penis—', 'and', 'Grow', 'Up', 'Regards-'], ...] >>> print(train_y) [['obscene', 'insult'], ...] """
[docs] def __init__(self, corpus_train_csv_path: str, sample_count: int = None, tokenizer: Tokenizer = None) -> None: self.file_path = corpus_train_csv_path self.train_ids = [] self.test_ids = [] self.valid_ids = [] self.tokenizer: Tokenizer if tokenizer is None: self.tokenizer = BertTokenizer() else: self.tokenizer = tokenizer if sample_count is None: df = pd.read_csv(self.file_path) sample_count = len(df) del df self.sample_count = sample_count for i in range(self.sample_count): prob = np.random.random() if prob <= 0.7: self.train_ids.append(i) elif prob <= 0.85: self.test_ids.append(i) else: self.valid_ids.append(i)
@classmethod def _extract_label(cls, row: pd.Series) -> List[str]: y = [] for label in ['toxic', 'severe_toxic', 'obscene', 'threat', 'insult', 'identity_hate']: if row[label] == 1: y.append(label) return y def _text_process(self, text: str) -> List[str]: return self.tokenizer.tokenize(text)
[docs] def load_data(self, subset_name: str = 'train', shuffle: bool = True) -> Tuple[List[List[str]], List[List[str]]]: """ Load dataset as sequence labeling format, char level tokenized Args: subset_name: {train, test, valid} shuffle: should shuffle or not, default True. Returns: dataset_features and dataset labels """ df = pd.read_csv(self.file_path) df = df[:self.sample_count] df['y'] = df.apply(self._extract_label, axis=1) df['x'] = df['comment_text'].apply(self._text_process) df = df[['x', 'y']] if subset_name == 'train': df = df.loc[self.train_ids] elif subset_name == 'valid': df = df.loc[self.valid_ids] else: df = df.loc[self.test_ids] xs, ys = list(df['x'].values), list(df['y'].values) if shuffle: xs, ys = utils.unison_shuffled_copies(xs, ys) return xs, ys
if __name__ == "__main__": corpus = JigsawToxicCommentCorpus( '/Users/brikerman/Downloads/jigsaw-toxic-comment-classification-challenge/train.csv') x, y = corpus.load_data() for i in x[:20]: print(i) for i in y[:20]: print(i)